Friday, April 1, 2011

membuat dropdown label

Contoh tampil menu dropdown label:

Ikuti tutorial dibawah ini untuk membuat dropdown label:

(sebelum mencoba jangan lupa backup code dengan menekan link Download Template Lengkap)
Langkah pertama, masuk pada tab template -> Edit Html  -> jangan lupa beri tanda cek pada Expand Template Widget -> kemudian cari kode dibawah ini:
Tips : Agar mudah dalam pencarian sebaiknya cari kode (<data:label.count/>)

   <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
       <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>
         <a expr:href='data:label.url'><></a>

Jika sudah ketemu ganti seluruh  kode diatas dengan kode dibawah ini:

<br />
<select onchange='location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'>
Select a label
   <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
      <option expr:value='data:label.url'><>

Warna merah <option>Select a label</option> bisa kita ganti dengan kalimat sendiri.

Various positions (Synergy)


We are an Oil & Gas Engineering Consultant Company, is currently seeking Indonesia s young professionals with high motivation and strong determination for the following positions:
Job responsibility :
Technically accountable for all aspects of the process/facilities design. This shall include the development of process simulations, PFD s, P&ID s, equipment/line sizing, SAFE charts, and all other process documentation required by other engineering disciplines. This also includes specification, purchase, testing, installation, commissioning and start-up of all process equipment and system. Also responsible for ensuring suitable P&ID, VIP, HAZOP, peer and operations reviews are conducted at appropriate stages of the design.
Job requirement :
• Min. bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering.
• At least 15 years of process design and implementation experience of which a minimum of 10 years in oil and gas facilities experience.
• Experience that encompasses both operations and projects. Specific participation in a similar role for at least one major oil and gas project.
• Project experience in an interface in an international setting. Operational experience is preferred in order to feed field experience back into the project.
• Experience in organizing and supervising process/facilities engineering and operation teams in design, installation and commissioning.
Job responsibility :
Technically accountable for all mechanical design/engineering. This shall include responsibility for all mechanical and rotating equipment. Shall be responsible for the generation of all required specifications, covering areas of design, equipment purchase, equipment manufacturing, testing, installation, mechanical completion, commissioning and start-up. Procedure recommendations / procedures covering the commissioning and start-up of nominated concept systems mechanical equipment.
Job requirement :
• Min. bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering.
• At least 10 -15 years of mechanical design and implementation experience in oil and gas facilities.
• Strong technical/engineering skills with a through knowledge of applicable Codes and Standards plus a working knowledge of other discipline activities.
• Broad knowledge of mechanical equipment and manufacturers and system suppliers, including expertise in areas covering the design, specification, manufacturing, testing, installation, hook-up, commissioning and start-up of major gas turbine driven compression and power generation equipment.
Job responsibility :
Technically accountable for all aspects of the electrical design/engineering. This shall include responsibility of all proposed concept electrical systems.
Job requirement :
• Min. bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering.
• At least 10 years of electrical design and implementation experience in oil and gas facilities.
Job responsibility :
Develop the process/safety control systems and instrumentation including proposed concept instrumentation and control systems.
Job requirement :
• Min. bachelor degree in Physics Engineering.
• At least 10 years of oilfield experience working for either a major oil company and/or contractor.
• Experience that encompasses both operations and projects.
Job responsibility :
Ensure that all structures are designed in accordance with the basis of Design and relevant codes and specifications. Manage all preliminary and detailed structural engineering design and provide all installation-related calculations, procedure development. Oversee and be primary responsible for the development of the weight report methodology inclusive of facilities. Provide supervision and functional guidance to other project team members as necessary.
Job requirement :
• Min. bachelor degree in civil/structural engineering.
• At least 15 years of structural design and construction experience of which a minimum of 10 years in the design, fabrication, and installation of offshore.
• Large, integrated project experience in an international setting.
Job responsibility :
• Responsible for developing, coordinating and implementing all tasks that relate to a specific project from its beginning stages to completion.
• Reviews technical aspects of project to assist staff and assess productivity of lines of research.
• Reviews project operations to ensure coordination of efforts and timely submission of reports.
• Analyzes reports to evaluate program effectiveness and budgetary needs. Approves expenditures necessary for completion of project.
• Ensures project deliverables meet business requirements and are clearly understood by the technical team, execute testing on development efforts, contribute to group learning and best practice development.
Job requirement :
• Bachelor s degree in a technical/business discipline.
• Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification.
• 3 – 4 years progressive experience analyzing and solving business problems through the development and implementation of oil & gas industry.
• 5 years of professional work in oil & gas industry.
• Good verbal and written communication skills in the English language.
• Good interpersonal skills, with the ability to forge productive working relationships with all personnel. Personal motivation and self learning ability.
• Ability to lead and interface within multi-discipline Company and contractor engineering and fabrication teams.
• Ability to cope in a positive and productive manner within a high-pressure environment, while handling a large amount of detail as expected in large Projects with aggressive schedules.Able to work on own initiative and within a team.
• Strong technical/engineering skills with a through knowledge of applicable Codes and Standards plus a working knowledge of other discipline activities.
Please send your application to with detailed resume and recent photograph and put job title name on subject email.

emergency landing of jet planes

emergency landing of jet planes

emergency landing of jet planes

emergency landing of jet planes

emergency landing of jet planes

emergency landing of jet planes
emergency landing of jet planes

emergency landing of jet planes

F-14 Tomcat wallpaper

The Grumman F-14 Tomcat is a supersonic, twin-engine, two-seat, variable geometry wing aircraft. The F-14 was the United States Navy's primary maritime air superiority fighter, fleet defense interceptor and tactical reconnaissance platform from 1974 to 2006. It later performed precision strike missions once it was integrated with LANTIRN. It was developed after the collapse of the F-111B project, and was the first of the American teen-series fighters which were designed incorporating the experience of air combat in Vietnam against MiGs.
F-14 Tomcat wallpaper

F-14 Tomcat wallpaper

F-14 Tomcat wallpaper

F-14 Tomcat wallpaper

F-14 Tomcat wallpaper

F-14 Tomcat wallpaper

F-14 Tomcat wallpaper

F-14 Tomcat wallpaper

American Fighter aircraft

Fighter jets have long been a staple of any successful military campaign. They are fast, effective, expensive and highly lethal machines, capable of traveling long distances with enormous firepower and guns. This article introduces us to the five top military jet fighters in service today, the price we pay for them, and the future of jet fighting aviation. Only fighter jets that made it into active duty were considered, therefore the YF-23 Black Widow, the YF-17 Cobra, and the F-20 Tigershark were excluded. Additionally, only fighter jets were examined and therefore bombers such as the F-117 Nighthawk and the F-21 Kfir were also not included.
American Fighter aircraft

American Fighter aircraft

American Fighter aircraft

American Fighter aircraft

American Fighter aircraft

American Fighter aircraft

Abstract Black &amp; White Photos

Abstract black and white photography is a popular form of art that lets you focus on your imagination and allows you to give attention to texture and context. With Abstract Black And White Photography, you can get an amazing charm and feel that mainly focuses on the feelings behind photos. We hope you like the abstract beauty of the remarkable photos presented below.
Black And White Photos

Black And White Photos

Black And White Photos

Black And White Photos

Black And White Photos

Black And White Photos

Black And White Photos

Black And White Photos

Black And White Photos

Black And White Photos

Black And White Photos

Fighter aircraft Wallpapers

A fighter aircraft is a military aircraft designed primarily for air-to-air combat with other aircraft, as opposed to a bomber, which is designed primarily to attack ground targets by dropping bombs. The hallmarks of a fighter are its small size, speed and maneuverability.
Many fighters have secondary ground-attack capabilities, and some are dual-roled as fighter-bombers. Consequently, the term "fighter" is sometimes extended colloquially to include dedicated ground-attack aircraft.
Fighter aircraft Wallpapers

Fighter aircraft Wallpapers

Fighter aircraft Wallpapers

Fighter aircraft Wallpapers

Fighter aircraft Wallpapers

Fighter aircraft Wallpapers

Fighter aircraft Wallpapers

Fighter aircraft Wallpapers

Robot UGM Siap Melawan Robot Amerika

UGM menyiapkan dua robot untuk bertarung di kompetisi robot di Amerika Serikat
VIVAnews - Robot buatan mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada akan bertarung di kancah internasional mewakili Indonesia dalam kompetisi Robot Cerdas Dunia (Trinity College Fire Fighting Robot Competition) di Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, Amerika Serikat, pada 9-10 April 2011 mendatang.

Selain tim robot UGM yang bernama Ironfire, juga ada Tim ASA dari ITB yang ikut dalam kompetisi robot tersebut. Dua Tim itu adalah pemenang pada Kompetisi robot Nasional di Dome Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang yang akan mewakili Indonesia dalam kompetisi robot Dunia 9-10 April mendatang.

Anggota Tim Robot UGM adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik, semester IV, yang terdiri dari, Farid Inawan, Noer Azis Ismail, Luiz Rizki Ramelan dan Wahyu Wijayanto. Tim Robot UGM itu akan bawa 2 robot yang akan ditandingkan. Tim telah menyempurnakan desain robot sehingga mampu melakukan manuver secara lebih stabil. Kestabilan robot diperlukan karena dalam misinya robot harus menghadapi beberapa rintangan.

Mereka telah melakukan penyempurnaan Robot untuk menyesuaikan perbedaan iklim di Amerika. "Kami sudah persiapkan elektroniknya, kami sudah coba, robot bertahan hingga nol derajat Celcius dengan meletakkan dalam kulkas," kata Luiz Rizki Ramelan, salah satu Tim pencipta Robot di UGM, Jumat 1 April 2011.

Ia mengakui, lawan terkuatnya adalah robot dari China. Namun Tim tetap optimistis dengan performa yang dicapai hingga saat ini. "Kami tetap optimistis, robot kami bisa menang," kata dia.

Menurut Jamasri, Wakil Dekan Bidang Kemahasiswaan Fakultas Teknik sekaligus Ketua Tim kompetisi Robot, Indonesia baru pertama kali ini dalam kompetisi robot Internasional. "Kalau dari segi yang lain kita semrawut, seperti bola kita sudah tidak bisa diandalkan. Semoga dengan ini kita bisa lebih andal," tuturnya.

Wow...Knalpot Asal Purbalingga Digunakan Panser Malaysia dan Lebanon

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PURBALINGGA -- Setelah mendapat kepercayaan dari sejumlah ATPM (Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek) mobil terkenal seperti Mercedes Benz, Suzuki, Daihatsu, dan Toyota, knalpot produksi perajin Purbalingga (Jateng) ternyata juga digunakan pada kendaraan tempur jenis panser dan tank.

''PT Pindad yang secara rutin memesan knalpot Purbalingga, tak hanya menggunakannya untuk panser bagi TNI-AD. Tapi juga untuk panser yang dibuat guna memenuhi pesanan dari Malaysia dan Lebanon,'' kata seorang perajin knalpot Purbalingga, Muhajirin, Jumat (1/4).

Dia menyebutkan, pesanan knalpot untuk kendaraan tempur TNI-AD, sebenarnya sudah dilakukan PT Pindad sejak tahun 2009/2010. Pada saat itu, jumlah permintaan memang tidak banyak, rata-rata 150 buah knalpot per tahun. Sedikitnya pesanan knalpot tersebut, karena pesanan pembuatan tank oleh TNI kepada PT Pindad juga masih sedikit.

Namun pada tahun 2011 ini, PT Pindad juga mendapat pesanan pembuatan panser dari Malaysia dan Lebanon. Berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh Muhajirin dari PT Pindad, panser yang dipesan adalah kendaraan tempur Panser Anoa 6 kali 6. ''Untuk kebutuhan pembuatan panser tersebut, kami juga mendapat permintaan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan knalpotnya,'' katanya.

Saat ini, Muhajirin mengaku telah mengirimkan 11 unit knalpot untuk panser Anoa pesanan Lebanon, dan 32 unit knalpot untuk Panser pesanan dari Malaysia.  Knalpot yang dipesan, ermasuk bagian mufler (kendang knalpot) dan exhause (pipa pengeluaran)-nya.

Menurutnya, Panser Anoa 6 X 6 adalah sejenis kendaraan tempur pengangkut personil atau APC (Armoured personal carrier) dengan sistem penggerak 6 roda simetris.

Sebelumnya, Muhajirin mengaku telah secara rutin memasok mufler knalpot untuk jenis kendaraan panser mortir, panser recovery, dan panser Anoa-2. Semua pasokan atas permintaan PT Pindad.

''Hingga saat ini, kami telah mengirimkan 300 unit knalpot untuk kendaraan tank dan panser yang digarap PT Pindad. Dalam waktu dekat, kami juga tengah diminta memasok lagi knalpot untuk tank-tank model baru yang akan dibuat untuk memperkuat kendaraan TNI,'' katanya.

Dipilihnya knalpot produksi perajin Purbalingga, antara lain karena karena kualitasnya cukup baik dan mampu meredam suara.

Arwana Masuk 15 Produsen Keramik Dunia

Produsen keramik yang berfokus pada pangsa pasar kelas menengah ke bawah, PT Arwana Citramulia Tbk (Arwana) menambah pabrik baru yang diberi nama Plant IIC Extension di Desa Kibin, Cikande, Serang, Banten. Tambahan pabrik ini menempatkan Arwana sebagai produsen keramik ke-15 terbesar dunia saat ini.
SERANG, - Produsen keramik yang berfokus pada pangsa pasar kelas menengah ke bawah, PT Arwana Citramulia Tbk (ARNA) menambah pabrik baru yang diberi nama Plant IIC Extension di Desa Kibin, Cikande, Serang, Banten. Tambahan pabrik ini menempatkan Arwana sebagai produsen keramik ke-15 terbesar dunia saat ini.
Demikian siaran pers yang dipublikasikan manajemen PT Arwana Citramulia Tbk di lokasi pabrik, Cikande, Serang, Banten, Jumat (1/4/2011). Operasional pabrik tambahan ini diresmikan Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa. Hadir dalam kesempatan itu Wakil Gubernur Banten Mohammad Masduki.
Arwana merupakan pabrik keramik nasional yang sudah terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sejak 2001. Perusahaan ini memiliki tiga pabrik, yakni Plant I di Tangerang, Plant II di Cikande-Serang, dan Plant III di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Ketiganya dilaporkan mencapai tingkat utilitas 100 persen.
Kombinasi produksi dari ketiga pabrik, termasuk dengan adanya tambahan dari Plant IIC, menyebabkan Arwana mampu memproduksi keramik sebanyak 40,87 juta meter persegi per tahun. Seluruhnya dipasarkan dengan merk Arwana Ceramic Tiles.
Beberapa motif yang telah diproduksi adalah Embossed, Marmer, Plain, Granity, Strata, Rustic, Fancy Wood, dan Fancy Dekorasi. Pemasaran difokuskan untuk pasar dalam negeri.

Tel Aviv Street Art / Graffiti: Neromonga

Naaila Tag Graffiti Alphabet Letters

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naaila, tag graffiti

Alphabet graffiti tag when it is included in an art, it is so everyone's attention, with made into an art then a lot of changes happening on the tag alphabet, in terms of form and color in terms of the letter, could use the message social, information which, artwork and so forth.
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Buff Monsters. Graffiti movement.

Graffiti movements in the world so different as so common. Today I'll present to you one of them - Buff Monsters.

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