Saturday, June 18, 2011

father's day crafts

father's day crafts

father's day crafts

father's day crafts

father's day crafts

father's day crafts

fathers day 2011

fathers day 2011

fathers day 2011

fathers day 2011

fathers day 2011

fathers day 2011

Father's Day

Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in many countries and on other days elsewhere. It complements Mother's Day, the celebration honoring mothers.
Father's Day

Father's Day

Father's Day

Father's Day

Father's Day

Father's Day

Enthung Jati, makanan lezat ketika musim penghujan di Blora

Blora, merupakan sebuah kota kabupaten yang terletak di daerah pantai utara Jawa dan merupakan daerah perbatasan antara Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Kondisi daerah ini merupakan perbukitan kapur dan masih banyak terdapat hutan yang rimbun terutama pohon jati yang menjadi salah satu produk unggulan dari kota Blora. Pohon jati tumbuh subur hampir di setiap sudut kota Blora dan menyambung ke daerah-daerah di sekitarnya seperti Bojonegoro, Cepu, Rembang dan Tuban. 

Pohon Jati sangat bernilai tinggi kayunya sehingga sering disebut sebagai kayu emas karena kayunya kuat dan mempunyai tekstrur yang sangat indah. Selain diambil kayunya, daun pohon jati juga diambil sebagai pembungkus makanan dan juga jajanan tradisional. Di awal musim penghujan di bulan november hingga desember daun pohon jati akan mulai tumbuh setelah sebelumnya dimusim kemarau menggugurkan daunnya. Disaat daun jati bersemi itulah ulat-ulat mulai merajalela memakan daun jati hingga tersisa rangka-rangka daun jati sehingga pohon jati akan nampak gundul. Namun merajalela-nya ulat yang menghabiskan daun pohon jati justru merupakan salah satu berkah dari penduduk karena ulat tersebut ketika menjadi kepompong atau disana disebut dengan enthung/ ungker biasa dijadikan makanan yang lezat. Kepompong yang berwarna coklat tua ini dan berukuran satu hingga dua sentimeter ini biasa digoreng  atau dioseng-oseng karena kaya akan protein. Rasanya pun sangat gurih dan renyah, namun terkadang makanan ini terasa gatal di lidah jika dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang banyak, terlebih ketika mengunyah bagian kulitnya. Bagi yang belum pernah mencoba, makanan ini akan terasa sedikit aneh di lidah dan terlihat sedikit jijik namun setelah mencoba dipastikan tak akan pernah melupakan rasanya.

Untuk mencicipi makanan ini bisa kita temui di pinggir-pinggir jalan di sepanjang kota Blora ketika musim penghujan tiba. Harganya pun cukup murah yang berkisar antara Rp.20.000,- ~ 30.000,- per kilogram. Jadi jangan lewatkan jika berkunjung ke Blora jangan hanya mencari perabot dari kayu jati tapi enthung jati pun perlu dibawa sebagai oleh-oleh.


Graffiti is the name for images or written, painted or marked in any way on the property. Graffiti is a common sign of any kind that may arise in the form of the written word simply to elaborate wall paintings. Graffiti has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and Roman Empire. In modern times the paint, especially spray paint and marker pen graffiti has been the material most commonly used .. In most countries, marking or painting the property without the property owner's consent is considered vandalism and vandalism, which is a punishable crime. Sometimes graffiti expressing social and political message and the whole genre of artistic expression is based on the style of graffiti spray paint. For some, it is an art form worthy of display in galleries and exhibitions, to others he is simply vandalism. Graffiti has evolved into a pop cultural presence is often associated with hip-hop underground, b-boying, and a lifestyle that is still hidden from the public. The controversy surrounding graffiti continues to create disagreement among city officials / law enforcement and the bomber who want to display and appreciate the work in public locations. There are various types and styles of graffiti and is a fast growing artform whose value is highly contested, reviled by many authorities while also subject to protection, sometimes within the same jurisdiction.



Graffiti (grafitty or graffiti) art is an activity that uses composition of color, line, shape and volume to write sentences above a certain wall. The tools used are usually spray paint cans or pilok. History Graffiti in Pompeii. It contains writing graffiti folk People using the Latin language and not the Classical Latin language. The habit of painting on the wall stems from primitive man as how to communicate the hunt. At this time, grafitty used as a means to evoke mysticism and spiritual the spirit of hunting. The development of art in ancient Egypt as well shows the activity of painting on the walls of the pyramid. These paintings communicate the nature of other encountered a pharaoh (Pharaoh) after mummified.
Activities of graffiti as a means of showing dissatisfaction newbegan in Roman times with evidence of satirical paintingsagainst the government on the walls of buildings. This paintingfound in the ruins of Pompeii. While in Rome itselfused as a propaganda tool to discredit the followers ofChristians at the timeIt prohibited the emperor.
Graffiti in modern timesGraffiti on the Separation Wall in Israel Israel-Palestine.The existence of social classes are too far apart causeparticular difficulties for community groups to expressart activities. As a result, some individuals usemeans that almost available throughout the city, namely the wall.Arts education are less frequent causes objectsgraffiti appeared in the form of writings or password that is only understoodcertain groups. Usually, this work shows dissatisfactionagainst the social conditions they experience.Although graffiti is generally destructive and causethe high cost of maintaining cleanliness of the city, but the graffiti remainsis an expression of art to be cherished. There are countlessrenowned artists who began his career of graffiti activity.
Function graffiti• Means of expression of social discontent against the state.• Means of expression of the fear of political and social conditions.• Means of rebellion.• the secret language of certain groups.
In its development, graffiti around the 70s in Americaand Europe finally venturing into urban areas as identitygroups that mushroomed in urban areas. Because the image isless good, graffiti already become a scourge for the security of the city.The reason is because it is considered provoking a war betweengroup or gang. Performed in addition to a blank wall, graffiti wasoften made in the wall of the underground railway.
In the United States alone, every state already has aown regulations to curb graffiti. San Diego, California,New York already have laws which stipulate thatgraffiti is illegal. To identify patternsmaking, graffiti was divided into two types.
Gang graffitiIe graffiti which serves as identification of areas of powerby writing the name of the alley,combined gang, the gang members, or writing about whatoccurred in the alley.
Tagging graffitiThat type of graffiti is often used for one's fameor group. The more scattered graffiti of this type, thenmore terkenallah's name. Therefore this type of graffitirequire tagging or signature of the maker or his bomber.Such work responsibilities.
in Indonesia itself is now graffiti is very easyfound in several cities in Indonesia! appearance of graffitiin Indonesia the first time in Jogjakarta and nowalmost spread to all corners of the country and the ordinary indonesia artist most students who expressto the walls of others! he .. he ... he .. he .. he.he ...
